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Tile for a leopard gecko habitat?

I have a 10 gallon tank for my adult female leopard gecko, and I have these two tiles for the substrate. I am going to fill in the cracks between the two tiles with sand so it will look nice, i want your guys input on this please.


I've heard slate tiles are good, especially for heat conduction. Many people use them on top of sand to reduce the risk of sand ingestion and impaction.
There are many different things to put as a floor. the most natural for a grown leopard gecko is sand.you should ask at your local pet store or just look at a book on bedding for leopard geckos. If you would like, you can also get a carpet for lizards only (they sell different size carpets for different sized tanks). I have never heard of tiles and floors for them, but how long have you had it like that? is it as simple to clean as sand? i personally think it should be all sand when they are grown.... but research best bedding for them. There are many options. hope this helps and good luck :)
I have slate tiles in my geckos 20 gallon long tank and I love it, its been a great substrate so far. It was pretty cheap I believe I paid like $10 bucks for 3 tiles. Alot of leo owners use slate tiles because of how natural it looks like you mentioned and easy to clean. He loves it and lays his belly on the tiles for heat Its very easy to clean just scoop the poop or use wet paper towels to clean. And yes it is good to use sand underneath the tiles to block some of the extra heat, because UTH's can get hot. I used about 5 small bags for my 20 long, and it reaches 90 degrees which is great. Measure the 10 gallon and try to get the biggest slate tiles that will fit. I filled in the cracks with sand so crickets cant get into the cracks. I filled the extra space on the sides of the tank with small rocks over the sand and it looks great, (home depot didnt have tiles that would fit the whole terraium). But overall slate tiles have been the best substrate Ive used so far so much better then reptile carpet and so much easier to clean.

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