
too much light?

aquarium light is too bright!any ideas on how to (cheaply) reduce the light coming from it, the guy i bought it from said he put aluminum foil down on the glass above the light to reduce it, and it works, but it leaves almost no light, so i have a hole in the middle of the foil so the light can come in and brightens up a little bitis this safe to do?any OTHER cheap ways of doing it?


it doesnt matter what the thickness is, so you cannot determine thickness from knowing the densityDensity does not change because the more volume you have, the more mass you have: a material's density will always be the same no matter the volume.
First is this fresh water or saltwater? If freshwater 1 watt per gallon is fine if no live plantsIf you choose to keep live plants then 2 watts per gallon is fineNow if this is saltwater there is a use difference 3-5 watts per gallon is needed if keeping live corals less if it is a fish only but if you have live rock then it should be at least 2 watts per gallonRemember most people leave there lights on to long use a timer remember night and dayI would tell you to adjust the night and day so that you can enjoy them If you work all day then don't put them onLighting is needing limiting the light as you are sounds a bit absurdRemove the foil and install a timerMake your your bio load is balancedMost of all have fun that is what this hobby is all about.
if you know the density of aluminum foil, then divide its area

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