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Top loading washers and dryers normal cycles vs front loaders?

I have heard front load washers take longer to from start to finish, but I was wondering how much longer vs a top loader.


My front loader takes 48 mins for a regular load of laundry. By regular I mean I stuff the machine full and the clothes are not caked in grime.
I have one that I bought this summer, It takes about twice as long, but the washer does loads that are twice the size, with half as much water so it is a good trade off.
I haven't heard that one takes longer then the other but i do know that front load washers do a better job n don't damage your dedicates i always got lil tiny holes in my t-shirts n under garments from my top loader n since i switched i haven't had that problem
I've had a front loader (Maytag Neptune) for about 8 years and I love it for all of these reasons: 1. Bigger capacity--no agitator to take up load space; 2. Better cleaning (despite previous answers--my husband is a carpenter, and this machine gets his clothes very clean); 3. Water conservation; 4. Soap conservation (this machine needs only about 1/4 of the detergent a front loader needs); 5. Spinning--this machine gets more water out of the clothes, so they require less time in the dryer--that's another energy saver. Yes, the front loader spins like a monster, so put it on a solid floor surface. The seal has never gone bad, nor has it developed mold (and no, I don't keep it open). The lines do not clog, etc. I have two teenage boys, so I've been doing a lot of laundry during my 8 years, and I feel the front loader has been an excellent value and time saver.
They okorder too

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