i am deciding whether i should buy a Toshiba L305-S5919 laptop or a Compaq CQ60-211DX? which one should i buy???????
Toshiba laptops have a decrease hardware failure value, i've got had 3 Toshibas (writing on one now) and 2 Compaqs and that i like the Toshibas plenty extra useful. be careful with terrific purchase's anti-virus subscription provider. the decrease back of your receipt would permit you realize that they are going to renew your provider in 6 months or a 300 and sixty 5 days however the buddies will possibly no longer say it. I appeared at my monetary business enterprise account assertion and observed that they charged me for a subscription renewal.
Neither. Both laptops are on sale for $350 at Best Buy, and each is overpriced. They both have a Celeron processor. That's their first problem. The Celeron is a crappy single-core processor that doesn't belong in any laptop made after 2005. If you just need a basic laptop, spend the extra $50 or so and get a laptop with a Dual-Core processor. You get a much faster laptop since it's like it has two different processors working together, whereas the two you are considering only have one processor. If you are set on buying one of them, I would recommend the Compaq. Compaq is owned by HP, and HP laptops are great. Plus, the Compaq laptops I have used all appear to be built cheaply, but are in reality built really well: they seem like they're built to take abuse. I haven't seen a Toshiba that seems like it's built well. It might be shiny or whatever, but it's not built that well.
Go with the Toshiba. And buy from some place like Fry's. Best Buy, Staples, Circuit City: stay away!!! These places will rip you off.
It depends on the specs, but i know by experience, that Compaq is a bit bad. So try to stick with the Toshiba laptopif you can private message me the specs or if you need more info, simply private message me and ill assist you so that ill get the best answer :)
Toshiba is overall more reliable than Compaq. My dad had a Compaq and it got virus's to easy and had no cool features at all. For your case I would definitely go Toshiba.Overall though, I would say buy a macbook or macbook pro, but obviously it's not what you want. So buy the Toshiba.