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Train freight Lingdan, vehicle, container is what it means

Train freight Lingdan, vehicle, container is what it means


The types of rail freight transport are divided into vehicle, LTL and container. The weight, volume or shape of a batch of goods need to be transported by more than one truck, should be checked by the vehicle; not enough vehicle transport conditions, according to zero carry consignment; meet the container transport conditions can be checked by container.
In the transport of goods on the unit, the vehicle to each car for a group, across the equipment, climbing and the use of the goods of the car to each car group for a group, and Lingdan or container transport of goods, Batch; the use of container transport of goods, the railway by batch processing, each batch must be the same box type, at least one box, up to no more than a railway truck can be shipped a number of boxes.
One section is the vehicle, the train tonnage is 60 tons

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