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Transmission fluid for Jeep?

Changing transmission pan gasket because of a leak. I have a 97 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited. The manual says atf+2 is recommended but I can only find +4. Is there a difference? Also how many quarts should it take? It is bone dry.


easyest thing to do is when you go buy the gasket say i need ( how ever many quarts) of tranny fluid for the jeep and let them get it for you
If you are referring to a forced air furnace, the only copper you will find is in the blower motor and gas vavle. You will have to tear these componets apart to get to it. I do this all of the time, but I have a work shop and designed my own tools for it. copper in my area at this point in time is going for $2.80- $3.00 a pound and the aluminum end caps on motors and valve body-- about $0.80 a pound
The question wasn't how much copper in a furnace it was how much COPPER PIPE was in a furnace. The answer is ZERO
Use only the fluids recommended in your vehicles owner's manual. Yes, there is a difference, and using the wrong fluid could cost you a lot of money in needless repairs. The answers to your questions are all in your owner's manual. I suggest that you read it and follow the recommendations there.
ATF +4 is fine, All that means is that it EXCEEDS the requirments for ATF+2. Also, only start with adding 4 quarts, because you only drained whats in your pan, (which is about 4 quarts), there's still another 6-10 quarts in your torque converter and the rest of the trans!:-) Good Luck! -Ben

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