I have an automatic 2004 Mitsubishi Galant ES and need my transmission replaced what is the normal price?
Reputable transmission shop.hmmmmnow THERE'S a contradiction in termsI used to run an AAMCO shop, and let me tell you, they TRAIN you to get the most amount of money from a customer. That part of my answer is a fact, this part is my opinion: A 2004 Mitsubishi Galant is not worth fixing if it needs a transmission. After you spend 2500 bucks to replace or rebuild the transmission, something else will fail and wipe out your wallet again. Take that same $2500 and use it for a down payment, and buy a Honda or Toyota. The days of buying a junkyard transmission for 400 dollars and putting it on yourself are LONG GONE. This is 2007, not 1977, hello.and 1200 is below the dealers cost on a transmission for a 2004 Mitsubishi Galant .GET REAL!!! The clicking sound may be the CV joints, which means the front axles should be repaced, costs about 4-500 to do both right and left. You need an honest diagnosis, but you need to have ONLY GROWN UPS driving your car, otherwise it will cost you $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Unless you did something really bad to the transmission, I hardly think you need to replace it. Who told you it needs replacing? I would check with a reputable transmission shop to get a second opinion. Aamco comes to mind, but there are several to choose from. You may only need to have the fluid level checked, or maybe drained and a new filter installed, along with some fresh fluid. Good luck. Stevo.