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True or False- You should never pump gas when wearing gloves?

I don't know if you should always have your hands free when holding gass nozzles. I've seen incidents where sparks caused from static electricity have set off fires at gas stations. How come I've never seen fire extinguishers next to gas pumps.


Yes I have cried a number of times, but never so critically that i will put emo or whatever your image is on yahoo for a contact
Bravo! Great question! And it brought the clueless out of the woodwork. As has been proved time and again, albeit not taught in the public schools, government cannot spend its way (any more than can citizens) out of a downturn in the economy. I hate to say this, but we won't come back up until we hit rock bottom. And we won't hit rock bottom until 2013. When the economy naturally begins it's climb out of the hole government -both sides of the aisle are to blame- put us in, whoever sits in the white house will take the credit and history will once again be ignored.
No one can take a full proof protection against any disaster individually. But certain steps or cautious action be ready for any disaster. 1 . Live in a house where at least two openings are there . one main door , one window which can be opened to flee . 2. During the time of heavy storm thunder keep the gadgetsic swiches off. 3. Always keep some cotton blanket handy. In case of fire one can run through fire with cotton blanket. 4. Don't drive your car in case of heavy storm or rain 5 .During earthquakes if you can't go out of the house just go below bed so that fall of builiding metirials will not directly hit you. I follow these keep myself ready for any disaster . But if Nature becomes violent , no one has the power to protect himself/herself.

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