Does anyone know how the trunk lid lift support (damper) attachments work on above vehicle?. I‘ve had the trunk lid bonk me in head enough times to order new ones but no clue given anywhere on how attachments work. to remove /re install.
It looks like your car uses a ball socket to attach the support lifts at each end, which is a pretty standard fastening method for them. Basically, you have a little metal ball on a stud to mount it to, and the support lift has a hole at each end with a spring that snaps around the ball to hold them on. The easiest way to pop them off is to wedge a large screwdriver in between the trunk opening/lid and the support lift, and use it as a lever to pop each end off. Get the screwdriver shaft as close to the attaching point as you can, with that point a ways from the tip for more leverage. Use a sturdy piece of cloth to protect the paint from the tip of the screwdriver, or you can wrap the tip in a few layers of duct tape. Then just give the screwdriver a whack on the handle with your hand to pop them loose. A quick, sharp slap works better than simply grabbing and pulling. To install the new ones, simply place the hole at each end over the ball stud, then give the back of the support lift a tap with the handle of the screwdriver, or a rubber mallet, or a small hammer with a light tap. Right on the back, around the other side from the mounting hole. Remove and replace one first before taking the other off, in case you forget which direction they go.