I'm sick of decent bearings costing $50+ for a set. So i started looking at industrial bearings from reputable companies like Fafnir and Timkin, and I'm gonna try putting on non skate-specific bearings cuz they'd be cheaper. BUT I need to know the outside diameter of the bearing and the inside diameter. Only I don't have an exact way of measuring the dimensions. If you know, please help me out! THanks!
i wouldn't do that if i were you. i don't skate long boards myself, but as i'm changing my set up every few months, the LEAST important thing is bearings. just get them from the skateshop, but don't bother with the decent ones. you'd be surprised that there isn't much difference between bones ceramics and the cheapest skateshop bearings with no brandname. i've also found, the more expensive, the easier they break.so don't bother with industrial bearings, save time by getting the cheapest bearings from a skateshop. +/- $10.