Turning large clear glass panels into mirrorsdo it MYSELF ?
Aluminum foil on the back side will reflect out as a mirrorBuy the cheap, thin kind and place the shiny side against the glassSmooth the foil with a squeegeeBe sure to use heavy duty clips on the frames or the glass may fall out .Necessity is the mother of invention )
you would not have to be that deep to escape the effects of a nuclear holocaustEarth is a great defense against alpha and the more damaging gamma radiation If would be difficult to build that deepYou would have to shore the ground around the excavation site down to a reasonable depth of let's say 35 feetThe structure would have to withstand tremedous vertical earth pressure and lateral soil pressure once the structure is backfilled and buried the best place to be build is where the threat of earthquakes is the least, such as the deserts of new mexico or texasthe northwest US is too seimsically active and i would avoid that areai am not an expert on ventilation and water supply but you will need both and a means to eliminate waste products.