
turtle lights?

what is the difference between a basking light and a uvb tube light and do you need both


Yes you need both, a UV light helps to keep their shell hard, and is a general substitute for the sunlight on dark days, and a basking light (heat lamp) is for just keeping them warm so they dont get cold and die.
UVB does not emit heat. Basking lights do. Both should be UVB check the package. Do you have a desert tortoise? I used both and I've see my tortoise use the UVB to bask. It's cute they spread their legs behind them. I personally don't think you need both, my baby one uses the UVB tube (because he has a heating pad) and the older one uses the basking one (he doesn't have a heating pad). Use your judgment are they getting enough UVB from any source and are they warm enough. They need that to digest food. They love going outside the best though.

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