the cable of Crane I creates and angle of 30 degree angle from the horizontal and the cable of Crane II creates an angle of 45 degrees from the horizontal.-draw a figure that gives a visual representation of the problem-write a vector to represent the tension on the cable of Crane I-write a vector to represent the tension on the cable of Crane II-write a vector to represent the 20000 lb cargo container being lifted -calculate the tension on both cablesJustify your answer.please help me!!! thank you!!!!:)
So I can't tell whether the cargo container is one ton (2000 lbs.) or ten tons (20,000 lbs.)For doing the problem, I'm using 2000 lbs., so you might have to multiply the answers by 10Also, I'll use A and B for the cranes instead of I and II(Vertical): A sin 30° + B sin 45° 2000 A + √2 B 4000 (Horizontal): -A cos 30° + B cos 45° 0 -√3 A + √2 B 0 Solve those equations simultaneously to get A 4000/(1+√3) 1464 lbsand B √(3/2) A 1793 lbs(Answers) The vectors are: A 1464 (-i cos 30° + j sin 30° -1268i + 732j (Answer) B 1793 (i cos 45°i + j sin 45°) 1268i + 1268j (Answer)
Gosh, they're ancient and you're definately going to find it difficult to find one, never mind wanting 2 now!!!