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Type of Fiber in Fiber One Yogurt

Does anyone know the type of fiber that is in Fiber One Yogurt? The yogurt is really smooth and tastes greatThere are 5 grams per serving/little cupIt's so easy to have 2 or 3 or those a day! (Trying to be on a high fiber diet) - Preferably the soluble type.I do not particularly like oatmeal.Tks for your answers!


A wrapping paper' made from aluminumIt's often called tin foil, and when it's wrapped around a sandwich or casserole, it helps keep it freshYou buy it by the roll in most grocery storesIt is silver in color and can also be used for crafts and for lining cookie sheets.
The fiber in the yogurt is not a good kind well not the best kindThe only kinds of fiber that are good for you are like veggies and fruits with skin, chia seeds, psyllum husks or products like thatThere are solulable and non solulableYou want fiber that has bulk to clean out your colonIs there bulk in the yogurtno.but people dont know right from wrong so they buy it because it must be good if its on a commercial.

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