what are the benefits of having wai? wondering if i should get one or leave my stock intake 2002 grand am 2.2 ecotec engine
it's seriously not worth it. a wai slows down the airflow into your engine, which reduces combustion and power. you might get about 1-2 more mpg, but your car will end up being slow as hell and you'll flood your engine constantly. when air is restricted in your engine, it alters the fuel/air/ignition ratio that causes combustion. all these elements need to be present, and without air you're gas is just going to keep pouring in your engine. if anything, you should be looking at a cold air intake, which actually gives the same mpg increase but doesn't hurt power.
Makes the intake of air warm thus making it easier to take in oxeygen. You dont get more hp but u save more gase.