are ceramic portable heaters just as quiet as quartz heaters and do ceramic heaters deliver as much heat as quartz? also which uses less energy?
it is the method with which time is measured instead of gears, a small quartz crystal vibrates at an extremely reliable rate. the modules are cheap for the mfgrs to produce. It's a good thing, don't worry.
(A WATCH without any machinery )system which they use to make a WATCH in simple way they use magnets
A quartz watch really has a piece of a quartz crystal inside. Quartz has electrical properties and at a specific rate. Quote: Quartz timepieces use the nature of the quartz crystal to provide a very accurate resonator which gives a constant electronic signal for timekeeping purposes. Quartz crystals are piezoelectric, which means that they generate an electrical charge when mechanical pressure is applied to them. They also vibrate if an electrical charge is applied to them. The frequency of this vibration is a function of the cut and shape of the crystal. Quartz crystals can be cut at a consistent size and shape to vibrate at thousands of times per second, making them extremely stable resonators for keeping very accurate time. Although the piezoelectric effect of quartz crystals had been understood since the 1880s, the first application of this quartz property in the use of a time piece didn’t occur until 1927. It was in that year that the original quartz clock was invented by W.A. Marrison and J.W. Horton. Their quartz clock was a very large device as compared with today’s quartz wristwatches which also use microchip and liquid crystal display technology.