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Waste oil refining biodiesel principle

Waste oil refining biodiesel principle


Biodiesel is a kind of biomass energy, which is a kind of long chain fatty acid mono alkyl ester obtained by pyrolysis technology. Biodiesel is a mixture of complex organic compounds containing oxygen high, the mixture is mainly organic matter in some large molecular weight, including almost all kinds of organic compounds containing oxygen, such as ether, aldehyde, ketone, phenol, organic acid, alcohol, etc.. The compound bio diesel is made from waste animal and vegetable oil, waste oil and by-product of oil refinery
Two chemical reactions of fats and oils: (catalyst)1, the fatty acid reacts with methanol to produce biodiesel and water2, glycerol and methanol react to produce biodiesel and glycerol: transesterification, also called alcoholysis reaction
It refers to oil crops such as soybean, rapeseed, cotton, palm, wild oil plants and engineered microalgae and other aquatic plants oil and animal fat, food waste oil as raw oil by transesterification process made of renewable diesel can replace fossil diesel fuel

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