What about the means of transportation in the future? Write a composition
At the beginning of universal formula 1., universal formula one: famous quotes, someone asked, "I did not remember the famous saying, how?" Especially the English saying?" Very well! Principle: we see a lot of things are created, including our appreciation of the article is, though, but must sound reasonable! And maybe we'll be famous in the future! Right? Classic sentence: Aproberbsays, "Youareonlyyoungonce." (applies to remembered famous sayings) Itgoeswithoutsayingthatwecannotbeyoungforever.
Classical sentence pattern: Aseveryoneknows, Noonecandenythat... 2., the beginning of Universal Formula Two: digital statistics principle: to be more convincing, we should use actual figures to illustrate. The principle in the argumentation of ten should not appear false figures, but when the examination which of the 37 twenty-one, but anyway, as long as I have written something Everything will be fine.. So you can try the following sentences: Accordingtoarecentsurvey about78.9%ofthecollegestudentswantedtofurthertheirstudyaftertheirgraduation., it looks like the digital Wen Zou Zou, are actually made up, several questions below we can casually made this series: Honesty: according to a recent survey, students leave to the teacher for 78% are false. TravelbyBike: according to a recent survey, 85% of people travel by bike when they travel at close range. Youth: according to a recent survey, 70% of all students' leisure time in a university is in leisure and entertainment. Five-dayWorkWeekBetterthanSix-dayWork: according to a recent survey, 98% of people agree to work every Friday.
Sentence pattern: Arecentstatisticsshowsthat... End universal formula 1. end universal formula: this conclusion is finished, we believe it, you have such experience, leading to a long and minute statement, finally take a word like it, we'll stop desertion, waiting for the conclusion that leadership. That is to say, the beginning is good, and there must be a wonderful ending. Let the reader shine so that you can get high marks! For example, the following example: Obviously (the transition phrase), wecandrawtheconclusionthatgoodmannersarisefrompolitenessandrespectforothers. if the reader to show and see ", but said it, when the reader's eye is too shallow! Transitional phrases: tosumup, Inconclusion, inbrief, onaccountofthis, thus, sentence pattern: Thus, itcanbeconcludedthat... Therefore, wecanfindthat... 2. end Universal Formula Two: so that if the said "this is the end concluded the most useless crap, so that should be the most valuable nonsense, because there is nonsense, but with a very classic subjunctive sentences. Drag! Obviously itishightimethatwetooksomemeasurestosolvetheproblem., the subjunctive mood used here is very classic, because you had often test this sentence, if we write out, you said the examiner will think? Sentence: Accordingly, Irecommendthatsomemeasuresbetaken. Consequently, tosolvetheproblem somemeasuresshouldbetaken., writing the "seven basic principles", a short sentence should YiZhangYiChi, I read long, tiring! On the contrary sentences, write a short and sweet, but can play the role.