Solar Panels collect solar energy from the sun and then solar energy is used to produce electricity.
every time i hear the word solar panels i think those large or small flat shiny black or grey surfaces that absorb the sunlight and convert the heat and so on so forth into energy like electricity But ...i dont know how they fully work really so, i dunno.
A solar panel is a device that collects and converts solar energy into electricity or heat which can be used by (for example) nearby buildings. Solar photovoltaic panels can be made so that the sun's energy excites the atoms in a silicon layer between two protector panels. Electrons from these excited atoms form an electric current, which can be used by external devices. Solar panels were in use over one hundred years ago for water heating in homes. Solar panels can also be made with a specially shaped mirror that concentrates light onto a tube of oil. The oil then heats up, and travels through a vat of water, instantly boiling it. The steam created turns a turbine for power. The basic element of solar panels is pure silicon. When stripped of impurities, silicon makes an ideal neutral platform for transmission of electrons. In silicon’s natural state, it carries four electrons, but has room for eight. Therefore silicon has room for four more electrons. If a silicon atom comes in contact with another silicon atom, each receives the other atom's four electrons. Eight electrons satisfy the atoms' needs, this creates a strong bond, but there is no positive or negative charge. Silicon atoms combine for years to produce a large piece of pure silicon. This material is used on the plates of solar panels. Combining silicon with other elements that have a positive or negative charge can also create solar panels.