What are some examples of foods that will react with aluminum/magnesium pans?
What in your idiot brain leads you to believe it is laughable that a person has now received head trauma, is filing for disability, and you have basically ruined his life? What kind of sick freak does it take to laugh at this? $730,000 in damages, civil lawsuits, I'm going to take a shot and say you'll be paying for this for many many yearsWhat a dumbass.
What was accidental about this? This was sheer stupidityWhat difference does it make if it is a first offense? How many lives do YOU think you should risk before the judge deals with you appropriately? I sure hope you get jail time.
By your own Additional Details comment you lack any ability to take responsibility for your actionsThis is NOT an accidentYour negligence caused thisNo you probably won't go to prison, but you can expect a fine, probably community service, and a major civil lawsuit.
It is physically impossible to accidentally remove a 2' diameter boltIt is also physically impossible to DELIBERATELY remove it without anyone in the crane at the time noticing LONG before you completed the taskThat is the MOST believable part of you FICTIONTroll score: C-
anything tomato basedit will eat right through it! try it, open a CAN of tomato soup/tomatos, anythingset the open can in an open bowl ( it will be messy trust me) and set it in the frige over nightor you can take a tomato and put it on a piece of aluminum foil for the same effectwe had the best results with spaghetti sauce.