i want to create a supermarket stock control database in Microsoft accessbut got some difficulties with itneed help. thank for your answers.
We trap invisible ultraviolet light in our atmoshere everyday through holes in the ozone layer. Your test with the orb might capture light for a millifraction of a second but it would ecape long before your eye could even think about focusing on it. Light travels at 280,000 miles per second. Nothing is faster than light.
certainly no to capture light
From a biologist view pointHow cool would that be However, in the real world what ever that is, what we have today is an ecological balance with who and what we are as survivors. Now, to bringing back all of those creatures would set the world on High fight or flight. There would be so many more invasive species to overcome our functional life cycle that perhaps nothing would surviveat least not in balance for eons. Biological life strives for balance and placement. Social life strives for a hierarchy. What would the value be to push the reset button one more time and go through that social/biological battle to determine Who belongs wherewho is top dog and who is not? Not a healthy thing to do.
If it was possible, it would most likely work if there was a light source. Unfortunately, there's no material which is completely reflective on one side, and see through on the other.
No body doesn't actually know what light really is, but there is a lot of theories for what light really is and how it works, just theories. Scientist measure the speed to be up to about 186,000 miles per second. Which is really fast, to fast for the naked eye to see or any known technology to capture the starting point of light beam on a single frame of film. We do know some theory's to be fact, that gravity can bend light it self. Such as a black hole with a massive amount of gravitational pull, can actually pull light towards it. But I personally don't think you could capture light in its form which you could see. Light is energy, you can never destroy energy, its always there, it just converts into something else. Just like a solar panel absorbs light and converts into electricity. Light can also be converted into heat. There is more theory's that govern the laws of energy(the laws of thermodynamics). But like I said before, their nothing more then 'theories' that we can make our own beliefs out of. No matter how many times it has been proven right, dealing with the quantum world, quantum physics, and the human consciousness, who am I or anybody else to say whats right and whats wrong?