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What are the common protective equipment used in contact with highly toxic chemicals?

What are the common protective equipment used in contact with highly toxic chemicals?


To develop good hygiene habits is also a self-help method to eliminate and reduce chemical toxicity.
Individual protective measures must be taken when other technical measures cannot be fundamentally protected against gas. Its role is to isolate and screen (such as protective clothing, masks, shoes and hats, protective masks, protective gloves, anti noise devices, etc.) and absorption filters (such as protective glasses, respirators, etc.) toxic substances. The use of suitable protective equipment can reduce the extent of the toxic effects, and play a certain role in protection.
Maintaining personal hygiene prevents toxic chemicals from adhering to the skin and prevents harmful substances from invading the body through the skin, mouth, and digestive tract. For example, it is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke in poisonous workplaces, wash hands, rinse gargle, wash clothes regularly and wash clothes regularly before meals.

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