What are the commonly used instruments in biological laboratories?The company is planning to expand the laboratory instrument business
Sample pretreatment:Pipette (Gilson, ependof, Biocos)The balance (Mettler, sartorius)Homogeneous / stirred series (IKA, KINEMATICA, LABSCAN)Centrifuge (sigma, Hitachi, ebendof, Hettich, Beckman)Freeze drying machine (Holland, SKADI)High pressure sterilizer (MMM, SANYO, STURDY)Electrophoresis instrument (Bio-Rad, epondorf)
Culture processIncubator series (US SI)Biosafety cabinet / over clean bench (Telstar, Baker, thermo)Fermenter (infors, labconco)Shaking table (IKA, INFORS, LAB-LINE)Water bath (LABSCAN, JULABO)Bottle turning machine (WHEATON, IBS)PCR (thermo, epondorf, ABI, BIO-RAD, MJ)Enzyme labelling apparatus (Awareness, epondorf, ABI)
Sample preservation:Refrigerator / ultra low temperature refrigerator (Holland SKADI)Liquid nitrogen tank (UK, STATEBOURNE, CRYOGENICS)