Does a solar panel work under a full moon a tiny bit, or not at all? Likewise, if you used mirrors or lenses the concentrate sunlight, is there a maximum to how much a solar panel can handle?
Under a full moon your solar panels can put out full rated voltage but no amperage. You do not want to put mirrors on your solar modules because you will just simply burn them out. They are made to use what the sun puts out and the extra heat from the mirrors would be too much. Plus you would have to build something to make the mirrors follow the sun or the reflected light would be moving on you all day as the sun moves. If you was to take apart one of those mirror balls that you see on dance floors and put all the little pieces on a board at angles to all aim at one spot. you would have a lasor beam of a sort. You can melt steal like that. Think what that would do to your solar panels.
solar panels should be used where the sunlight is abundant,you can use mirrors or lenses the concentrate sunlight,solar panels will absorb more light.
I believe solar panels gather enough energy from the sun in the daytime.I don't own one therefore I AM not a 00% sure unless it runs on batteries,generator or alternator.Who knows it just may plug up at night.