i need to know wat the parts of a solar panel are.
For a photo electric system you need 3 basic things. Photo voltaic Solar panels the quantity determined by you need and a charge controller for the cells they are rated by current. Batteries the quantity determined by your needs. Last an inverter to convert 2 volts DC to 20-220 AC. The size shown in watts is determined by you needs. If you plan to use it all the time you will have to have piece of equipment usually part of the inverter to sync the inverter up with the public utility and any power you don't use gets sold to the power supplier. That our a manual switch which will not allow you to sell unused power to the power company. If you are thinking about this do your home work and if possible contact it out. This is not a good first time DIY especially since you are asking this question. No offense. Otherwise you will need to do some reading and studying. But no matter what there are parts that an electrician will have to do by law and you may need a permit depending on where you live.
Great answer Bill, I am just going to add aluminum frame and plastic clear cover on top of cells. The reason I am adding this is because after all this is installed then we have solar panel. Which as new looks and performs great but after a little while needs to be maintained. All factory warranties require solar panels maintenance to keep the warranty and optimum performance.
A solar panel is just a collection of solar cells all wired up in parallel and series to provide a useful voltage. Typical solar cells only provide half a volt, maybe less, so usually you put 2 of them together to get a 6v solar panel or 24 of them to get a 2v panel. Solar cells are made in various ways, the most popular are silicon solar cells which are made with a chunk of silicon with a P-N junction in the middle and contacts on either side. When a photon of light comes in, the energy of the photon is converted to electrical energy. Individually, photons contain a tiny amount of energy, but when you have a solar cell in the sunlight, billions and billions of photons hitting it constantly create a useful amount of electrical energy. Solar panels are incredibly simple!