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what are the properties of iron ore?

what are the properties of iron ore?


Not really doing any harm. I went through this with my father (he was a mechanic too) when the guys in the old car club were worried about burning valves because the fuel switched to unleaded. A few people bought the additive but most did not. None of the cars with or without the additive experienced premature wear or burnt valves. This is over a ten year period with cars from the 1920's to the 1960's. The fuel systems are okay too with non-leaded fuel, as far as carburetors and fuel pumps go. So I don't think you need to worry. This is just my experience with one large car club. There could be more info out there to prove me wrong. You may experience decreased fuel mileage now because all pump gas now has more methanol in it. This makes the fuel burn with a slightly different flame front and cetane rating but it is still safe to use in antique and classic cars.
well when i had the heads on my 68 289 ford rebuilt I had them put harden seats in for that reason and new valves because of what they told me about the unleaded gas not being good for older engines
Hi you did not hurt your engine,lead was used back in the day to lubricate the valve seats today all engines use hardened valve seats and its no longer required. using leaded gas in a modern engine over time will plug up the catalytic converter but the small amount in an additive will not harm them. Get a quality fuel system cleaner like (red line) just as insurance for your injectors as the particles of lead could slightly plug the injectors and cause a loss of spray pattern and decrease power and mileage. you have not done any permanent damage and your vehicle should be back to normal by your next tank of gas.
che è formato da atomi ed elettroni

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