Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Fire Blanket > What are those Fence like Spikes on top of Old House Roofs?

What are those Fence like Spikes on top of Old House Roofs?

You know those metal things that look like fences that stick out of roofs most specifically found in haunted houses.Here is an example:


Idk bout your clicking question my grandmas one does that too anyway, i have to warn u DO NOT FOLD OR PUT ANY PRESSURE ON YOUR HEATING BLANKET AS THE WIRES INSIDE MAY GET TANGLED AND CAUSE FIRE! No kidding. There were so mamy heating blanket related deaths in korea that for a full 4 years, koreas tv shows were warning us about the dangers of heating blanket. Go google it
Would . I couldn't find a place that actually sells the powder, but like I said, it would be easier tao search backwards from your end product to the actual ingredients

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