What association does Wing Chun have with Fujian White Crane (Tiger-crane) kung fu?
Fujian White Crane is not Hung Gar or Tiger Crane. Southern White Crane, or Gu Lou Kuen (Ancestor Fist) is the predecessor to Goju-ryu karate. Goju and GLK emphasize the sam jian ma, sanchin dachi, or three battles stance, and rootedness, body conditioning, and strong shoulders and arms. The power comes from the rooted base and strong arms. There are rumors that Wing Chun is derived from Ancestor Fist, but philosophically, technically, tactically, and strategically, the styles are extremely dissimilar except for the short range fighting. Wing Chun is also rumored to be created by Ng Mui or Wu Mei, the Buddhist Nun. But the resemblances between modern Wing Chun and styles named after the nun are few and superficial. Wu Mei emphasizes power generation in numerous ways and continuous attacks. Wing Chun emphasizes deflection and power generation by shifting the feet, and simultaneous attack and defense. Wu Mei also has a full suite of weapons, and Wing Chun only the pike and butterfly sabers. Wing Chun is a style created in the Shaolin Temple, but it is probably closest to Hsing-I Kuen or Hsing Yi Quan in training with their chi sao or sticky hands practice.
Wing Chun Fist is derived from White Crane Fist and Snake Fist. The original name of the White Crane Fist is Eng Chun Bai He Quan. The Eng Chun part is the Fukienese dialect for Wing Chun, which is the name of the Village it derived in. It is also pronounced Yong Chun White Crane Fist and from it is where Wing Chun derives its Fajing technique known as 1 inch punch. The 5 Ancestor style is Ngo Cho Kuen or Wu Zu Quan, again - dialectal differences. It is also a Fukienese Art. Wing Chun, a Southern Shaolin Style is NOT related in ANY way to Hsing I Chuan, which is of Wu Tang/Taoist origin. Goju Ryu has some White Crane Influence but is derived from the Hakka Arts like Southern Mantis, Bak Mei and the like. Tiger Crane and White Crane are not related. The crane in the Hung Family Boxing is more the Tibetan White Crane and not the Fujian Crane. There is a mix up in the history which makes it a bit complicated. Gee Sim was from the Northern Shaolin School and went south to the Fukien temple to escape the Ching. He taught there, met Hung Hei Koon and taught him Tiger Fist. Gee Sim and Hung also left Fukien because of the Ching and went to Guandong and there is where Hung Fist developed into what it is today. The White Crane Fist of Fujian/Fukien came from the 18 Lohan Style Fang Chi Niang learned from her Father, who was a student at the Fukien temple, and mimicry of Crane movements. These styles, Crane and Hung were being developed around the same time but hundreds of miles apart. It is known that Wong Fei Hung trained in Lama Pai aka Tibetan Crane and also he is credited with creating the Tiger Crane Form aka Fu Hok. I hope this helps.