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What can gum mica stick to?

What can gum mica stick to?


Block Mica Mica has very high insulation, thermal insulation, good chemical stability, acid and alkali resistant and compression ability, so it is an important raw material for manufacturing of electrical equipment, so it can do as insulation material in the blower. Mica has the ability to double refraction, so it is also an optical instrument material for producing polarized light. Mica mining for the electrical industry must be a mica block of an effective area greater than 4 square centimeters, with no cracks or perforations, and non mica minerals on the edge shall not exceed 3 millimeters. After the exploitation of mica, according to the effective area, the quality is divided into 4 categories, the best special class area is greater than 65 square centimeters.
In the industry is the most used muscovite, followed by phlogopite, widely used in building materials industry, industry, fire extinguisher, welding, plastic, electrical insulation, asphalt, rubber, paper, paper pearlescent pigments and other chemical industry.
Mica minerals widely found in Asia, Africa, and America, but rarely in Europe until nineteenth Century. Mica was still of great value in Europe, and prices fell rapidly as settlers began to exploit mica in Africa and South america.
Mica minerals mainly include biotite, mica, muscovite, mica, sericite, mica, iron, lithium, mica and so on, and sand stone is a mixed mineral of mica and quartz. The most widely used industry is Muscovite and gold mica, and lithium mica is an important mineral raw material for refining lithium.
Mica is a general term for mica group minerals. They are potassium, aluminum, magnesium, iron, lithium and other metal silicate. They are layered structures and monoclinic systems. The crystals are false, six - side, flaky or plate-like, sometimes columnar. The layered cleavage is very complete and has a glassy luster, and the flakes are elastic. The refractive index of mica increases with the increase of iron content, and can rise from low positive to middle protuberance. An iron free variety; colorless in flakes; the more iron, the deeper the color; and the increased colour and absorbency.

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