I have a crested gecko, he's only a few months old now but he loves to climb and jump. I had seen online someone who had several cresteds in a huge tall terrarium and he had made a climbing wall on the back wall of it for them with ledges and things like that. I just have mine in a 10gal tank because he's still so small. I have one of those paper egg cartons standing up that he loves to climb and hide in (I've seen other people use this too) and I have some fake plant things that he likes to climb on too, but I've been thinking about making him an actual climbing thing with ledges to jump to and from. Does anyone know what kind of materiel would be good and also be safe to use for something like this? I was looking at excavator clay burrowing substrate...it's for reptiles that burrow, but it says when you add water to it you can mold it to make hills and ledges, but I wasn't sure how well it would work for something like making a vertical wall. Anyway would love some ideas. Thanks!
you can purchase a all Natural wooden background for a 10 gallon or buy a bigger one and cut it down i customized my own cage with my females and have the natural wood on all sides, a waterfall and a fog machine with lots of live plants. Its the best thing if ever seen used for climbing, also put plenty of live looking think vines they love them its also great exercise for the jumping experiences