what can i use to scare away stray cats from my garden. They have turned the grounds into a loo.?
I've heard that if you take an empty 2 liter bottle, half fill it with water, and place it in the area that they're messing in. or... Motion sensing sprinkler system. ;)
A piece of fishing net suspended between pegs about 3 inches off the ground will protect any newly sewn vegetable beds. They don't like to go if they can't get comfy.
Check and see if your local hardware store or home and garden store carries granulated pet repellent. I used some under a bush where my cat decided to make a potty and it really kept the cat away, he never went back. Check the label to see if it is safe for garden use. Bonide makes one called ''Go Away'' which can be used in gardens...it repels dogs, cats and rabbits.