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what can represent coal, copper. iron ore,gold?

what can represent coal, copper. iron ore,gold?


For what? Coal is Carbon C, Copper is Cu, Iron is Fe and Gold is Au Those are the symbols on the periodic table. Saudipta- Fe is Iron, as indicated in my answer. I dont see the word Ore used anywhere in my response. obviously coming out of the earth they are all going to be Ores
Just buy the replacements yourself at autozone or kragen, it would be cheaper and the guy or gal behind the counter will install them for you even if it's busy in the store. I used to work at autozone when i was in highschool, they do a bunch more stuff than just sell you parts.
go to the auto parts store and get yourself some new ones, most places will put them on for you free of charge if you ask. if not, if you can load a stapler you can put your new wipers on. really it IS that easy. they clip on off! i would gladly put them on for you if i could. Try it in the parking lot if ya cant do it go get someone and they should have manners enough to help you. good luck! Steve
It is certainly not clear how and where you want to represent these natural material. However, Coal is dominantly carbon with minor sulfur, oxides, iron etc. Copper are gold are metals. Irone ore is definitely not Fe as indicated by some answerers, but some iron compound (more commonly Fe2O3) from which Fe can be extracted profitably. In case you want to represent them in a geological map, I would suggest using dark grey color for coal, burnt sienna for copper, steel grey for iron and yellow for gold. you can use solid dots or boxes to represent their occurrences.
they range for about $6-$22 you get what you pay for the brands are Rain x Piaa Bosch trico these are only a few brands

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