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What does the hydrant include?

What does the hydrant include?


Optional:1, fire hydrant button, if the building is set up automatic fire alarm system, or fire water pressure is insufficient, then set the button manually or linkage start fire pump, in order to ensure the fire water can have enough pressure;2, hoses, reels, shopping malls and other crowded personnel, public buildings should be set, conducive to self-help (this facility is simple to operate).3 、 hand fire extinguisher, equipped with fire extinguisher and suitable for fire hydrant box. Fire hydrant box and fire extinguisher box.
Essential: fire hydrant, it looks like a valve, of course, should be in the box, hose, water gun, together to play its role.
Necessary: fire hydrant, hose, water gun, fire hydrant button, hose roll, hand hold fire extinguisher

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