i have an old worn 1930's school desk that im using in my room for a desk. (its just really cool...)it's plain-ish and a dark finish wood, its pretty beat up so i was wondering what kind of chair i could buy to use that was new but didn't look out of place with it?please help!thanks.
I'd buy something from a junk store, but if you'd rather not, buy a chair you really like with a straight back and legs. You can always antique it yourself by beating it with chains, staining it, wiping off the excess, beating it again and then staining again and then beating it again (very layered. :P)
I think you're better off using an older chair. The good news is that you can go to virtually any thrift store and find something that will work. You can even recover the seat with your own fabric--just pop it off, stretch the fabric over the edges and underneath, and staple it in place! The bad thing about a NEW chair is that it doesn't have the distressing and charm that the desk does, so it will forever look out of place.