I need to buy a leather sofa or sectional but I am having a problem figuring out what color will go with my room. In addition to the walls I have new carpeting that has light browns and golds in it. Dark brown seemed like a good choice but my issue is the recliners.
Work off the burgundy recliners. You can also go with a burgundy sofa. You can put a splash of color on the sofa with colorful pillows. My choice would be the burgundy sofa rather than the dark brown. Think the brown would be too dark for the room. Remember the throw pillows can have a beige, yellow, burgundy or what every colors you choose to brighten things up. That way everything would tie in with your carpeting and wall colors. Good Luck
I think you are right to go with a beige color but nothing too light...more of a sandy or cashew color. You can add pillows, throws, pictures, candles, flowers, and rug to bring in the burgundy.
I thought dark brown when I read your question. Doesn't seem like the recliners should be a problem - they're all in the warm color family. It's hard to tell without seeing the recliners - would medium brown be better?
navy blue would go good against pale yellow and burgundy. Not sure about the carpet though. However, you could always purchase an area rug to throw on top of the carpet to tie the room together. You can get area rugs pretty cheap at Home Depot or Lowe's and they have great colors. You might be able to find a carpet that has navy, burgunday and pale yellow/cream in it. That would be pretty. A tan/beige or cream color would look nice but that would compete with the yellow walls. I would do navy. That is the first color I pictured in my head when I read your question. Good luck!