I love gardens and every year for our anniversary hubby makes me something homemade for them. I have a copper waterer that the water comes out of in the shape of a 7 for of course our 7th anniversary and then he welded me a set of birds, long legs, wings, beaks, the works one year and I fell in love with them, that year at Christmas under the tree that morning was a welded nest and a egg... for my birthday I got a welded baby bird and then for our next anniversary a teenage bird. Everyone loves them. He could sale them, but I won't let him, their mine. I have a hand made wooden wishing well. A lighthouse. 3 bird feeders that hold 200 pounds of sunflower seeds (that is 200 not a typo).. my yard is about 3 acres.. +or- I wish I did have pics to show you. Plus I dabble in painting so through out the garden is handpainted stepping stones.
ok i will tell u but not for 2 points!
A seasonal (autumn) display for my lawn was the last thing I made. It was very nice, and yes I have a pic. I'll see if I can find it.
a noahs ark ship thing- made from lego!