I want to become a Real Estate Agent. But I don't know if I should major in Business, or Marketing?
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You would be better off in marketing but you don't need a college degree to be an agent. What you do need is to be known, so do lots of public service, work on political campaigns (both sides), be active in your church. A good real estate agent makes it with good word of mouth.
All others are correct. You will be working with amortization schedules. Interest and payments. Knowledge of Real Estate laws in your state is required. The Real Estate schools teach all this and licence you. There are calculators for that, aside from Computer software. You can also expound on the learning to become a Broker. You may be an owner one day.
You go to real estate school, take the state exam and get your license. A degree isn't really required. However - if you are young and a traditional student, now would be an excellent time for you to go to college. You could major in business or marketing, and some schools offer classes in real estate. If you want more info, try asking this question in the real estate category. Good luck!
To be a real estate agent you simply need to meet whatever standards your area has for a license. College isn't actually necessary, but to let you know-- real estate agents work a lot of weekends and evenings, when everyone else isn't working, and they don't make much money unless they are very good, and have a large client base, and that can take years. Follow your passion if you wish, but it is not the glamorous career you may think it is. So far as college goes, if you plan on attending, there will probably be classes on real estate, but not a major. So, major in a related field, such as finance, marketing, etc. and then pursue your license.