just a random question floating around in my head :P
ugh. i hated the expander!!! but you should go into the orth. tomorrow if they are open. or the next time they are. and talk to the orth. and maybe he could help. Note: when you get it off, mine was bleeding):
It'll get better, be patient. Your mouth needs to toughen up and get used to having all that metal and those wires in it. Also, your speech pattern will clear up quickly. Good luck =) It gets better!
i also got my pallet expander yesterday but it do not hurt because mine is removable i just feel uncomfortable i also have braces i will wear them for 1 year and half i think and i am only 10
i went through 3 before i turned 14 its a pain in the butt but usually a big issue is what you eat DON'T eat chips or anything pointed that willmake it sore for a lot longer liquid diet is suggested and for the talk s's and t's are the hardest no matter what i naturally went to my bottom teeth when talking(sounds werid but went in and out jusyt went there and never had to change )
i have one on right now i get it off Monday (yes i cant wait for that day) i have had mine for 3 months i guess i was lucky because when i turned it, it didn't hurt only a little pressure for a half hour you just have to wait it out your mouth will get better like when you get braces and the wire pokes the back of your mouth that hurts but i will go away in about a week for you get use to it this is the same way with the expander. just hang in there you will get use to it and just remember that it will be all worth it when you have nice white stright teeth.