What do RH and DH stand for in refractories?
DH :For human intelligence (diameter, board of directors). )
DH :An agreement that allows strangers to build shared keys, originally invented by Diffie and Hellman.
The English abbreviation depends on where it is used, and the meaning is judged according to the actual situation. Some are not standard, even the abbreviation of Chinese phonetic alphabet. The dictionary looks up the meaning of these two abbreviations and writes them according to the specific situation!END: Arrow-head definition file (CorelDraw) Arrow-head definition file (CorelDraw)End: endocrine endocrine secretions.END: Endorphin endorphinsEND: End of Data data.END: Electronic Null Detector electronic instrumentEND: Endorse/Endorsed/Endorsing/Endorsement / / support / endorsement endorsement endorsementEND: European Nuclear Disarmament European nuclear disarmamentEND: Exchange Name Documentation exchange file nameEND: Enhanced Network Driver (multiple protocols on a single driver) enhanced network driver (multi protocol driver in a single)