Wouldn't you say a bed needs to at least be a level resting material that is raised off the ground? What would you consider a bed? Im just asking cause my girlfriend is having this argument with me and she says that the mattress on her floor is a bed. Or she also says that the floor itself is a bed. I say a floor is a floor and a bed is a bed. What do you guys think?
In different countries, you'll get a different answer. Bedding is anything you sleep on. Bed (as a furniture sales term) is a bed frame and mattress. Bed (as a use term) is anything you sleep on, especially if you don't use it for other things. In Japan, a bed can be a futon on the floor, which is just a thick cloth pad that you put down at night and pick up in the morning. On board ships, hammocks used to serve as bunks. So you are both right, in that you are using the specific structure-category, and she is defining it by use. In use definition, though, the floor itself is only a bed when she's using it, though. Otherwise, it's being used as floor unless she marks it separate in some way to keep it a bed.
Typically a bed consist of mattress, box spring and frame. However, in my opinion: A bed can also be a place to sleep.: straw , mattress, floor, ground, sleeping bag and yes even a recliner is a bed while you sleeping in it
I would consider a mattress on the floor to be a bed. May be a little cooler down there but you don't have dust and crap accumulating underneath. Plus no box springs to wear out.
Bed is a relative word. Whatever you believe a bed to be is a bed. For example, the word bed is a bed. Just look at it.
I agree with your girlfriend. If you can fall asleep on it, it's a bed (even if it's uncomfortable!) ;-)