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What do you do when you are bored?

What do you do when you are bored?


to teach potty training, just put the litter in the spot she /he goes in you need to brush him/her daily spend plenty of time with them give them lots of loving I just got a baby bunny too, so i know what you mean but i looked in bunny books and found out a lot about rabbits
food:pellets,water ,timothy hay, fresh fruit or veggies once or twice a week toys: chew sticks, little cat balls, wood to chew on you can litter train a rabbit by putting a small litter box in their cage and everytime they poop or pea put the wet bedding in the litter box and like 10 of the pooplets you must clip their nails brush the loose fur off of them 2-3 hours at least of playing time outside of cage each day do NOT use cedar bedding need a little hiding place (igloo at pets mart or a cardboard box)
Okay, here is a few tips about raising bunniesGet her settled into her hutch or cage first.Leave her alone for a little while just so she can get used to the cage, after a few hours come back in a offer a small bowl of rabbit food.When I first got my rabbit she was really shy but soon she became so friendly,all you need to do is take things in slow steps.Never lunge or grab the rabbit and especially not from behind.Offer her some carrot or lettuce but make her come to you.If you wait quietly and still enough she will come to youRabbit are very curious creatures.Let her out of the hutch/cage and sit down on the floor.Let her come to you and let her explore with you just sitting there.Show her that you are not a threatI have never actually potty trained my bunny but you can do itMake sure your rabbit has lots of toys and time out of his cage or hutchAn outside run is great if you can do it.Before I had my rabbit run I used to walk my rabbit round the garden with a rabbit leadI know it sounds weird but its actually really cute and it builds up the relationship between you and the rabbit.Now my rabbit runs free in the garden and only goes into the hutch when I'm not at the house or if it's nightGOOD LUCK WITH YOUR NEW PETHOPE THIS HELPS :):)
not all bunnies are cuddly you have to always have hay pellets and care fresh litter u can potty train it make sure theres hay on the litter box u have to clean out the anus have to have a vet have to get nuetered if wanted better behavior u can teach tricks u must have a big cage due to the size when older might not be best when u have it now but will soon fit in has to have exersize for at least 2 hrs or 3 hr clean cage every week or so keep away from sunlight or window check on ur bunny for illnesses more imprtantalyENJOY and lots of XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

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