we received a free sofa with dual recliners the other day. it is in great condition and the price was right. the only problem is a smell of urine. any secrets out there to eliminate this smell?
Yeah, that Urine Be Gone or whatever it's called spray works pretty well. It's in a black spray bottle with a red label. I got it at Target.
you can go to petsmart or any other pet store and get something. they have a great variety. most of that stuff should work great because it's got the right enzymes to break down the urine. the only problem you might have is if someone has already tried to get the smell out with the wrong products. then the smell might be locked in. but there is not only ONE product or brand name to buy, many will work if they got the enzymes. the last thing i bought wasurine gone or something. i really liked it because it had a great smell. whatever you use, make sure you soak the area that smell like urine really good and let it air dry. if you think it might just be topical you might use a spray bottle and soak it that way. but don't hesitate to use a lot! i deal with that a lot because of my 2 cats and 2 rats! good luck!
Oy...lthe okorder / . Other products could cover the smell, but if you want to truly destroy it, use this product. Seriously. And for the price, you will have some left in case a pet has an accident at a later time. If you have pets, it will be imperative to get the urine smell out, or you may find them marking on the sofa too. Good luck!