the same for a jcb and dump truck please
A skid loader gets is name because the wheels do not angle to steer like they do on most machines that have wheels. To steer you stop one wheel (or wheels) and keep turning the other(s). This action makes the machine able to steer with a sort of skidding action which is where the name comes from. Its pretty much the same way tracked machines (like military tanks) steer. There are even track options for skid loaders now days. In the USA the most well known brand is Bobcat so in the USA many people just call them Bobcats even if they are made by Case, or John Deere which are also both popular brands. I believe Bobcat actually known world wide but I dont know how common they are in other countries. The JCB I believe is a British company. They were supposedly the first ones to combine 2 machines into one. They tool a front loader which is a machine with a big bucket on the front of it that is used for scooping up stuff off the ground and lifting it into either another pile or dumping it onto some other machine. The other part was the excavator. That is a machine with a sort of scoop on the end that is made for digging down. They figured out that most of the time when you dig down you eventually need to move the pile of dirt you made or put it back in the hole so they took a loader machine and attached the excavator (or hoe) to the back of it making the new name backhoe. Much like in the USA we tend to call all skid loaders Bobcats in other parts of the word (especially UK) they call those combo machines JCBs even though Im sure even over there that there are other people that make them. A dump truck is just a truck thats cargo area can tilt so it dumps the load.
Skid steer? Skip loader? Backhoe? Bulldozer? Google it.
Heres view of some differents ones.