What happened to the electronic ballast 13003
Could be supply voltage instantaneous had a high fever, possible temperature is too high, may the pipe itself is not good, may next to absorb high back pressure of diode is broken, which could offset resistance short-circuit, and so on, it depends on the situation in detail. I also had a ballast that burned two 13003, the ballast bad and the bad power tube.
To replace the 13003 as well as other burned components (such as emitter resistor, rectifier diode, fuse, etc.), v in 220 into a terminal connects a 100 w incandescent bulbs as "protector lamp", connecting tube test, if the normal boot the tubes, light triode no abnormal high temperature for a period of time, it is repaired, should be the problem of the pipe itself or the mains.
If it still can't be lit, it can be dealt with. In tandem, the effect of the series of safety lights is that once the half-bridge drive circuit has a problem, it will not burn the triode. Electronic ballast usually resonant capacitance, you check if this element is normal. The breakdown of the capacitor may also cause the triode overload to burn