please give all possible outcomes on what should happen and with what type of fire it would happen with please please help i've been searching forever thanks loads xx
Types of extinguishers: - Water - CO2 - Foam - Powder - Fire blanket Types of fire: - Normal (i.e. wood): any extinguisher will do. Do note that CO2 might not work if the fire is too much in the open; CO2 works by suffocating the fire, if the fire can still get plenty of oxygen? - Electrical circuits: NEVER water, or you'll electrocute yourself! Go for CO2 - Oil: Again, never water! The water will evaporate immediately, causing a massive updraft and a huge fireball - Person: whatever is available, time is of the essence! Two notes: when you use powder on a person he will have diarrhea for a solid (pun intended) month. And secondly, a person on fire will start to run in order to blow away the flames from his face so he can breath. If needed, tackle/kick the victim to the ground especially when using a blanket. There are other types, but they are less common. Halon on submarines, for instance. Hope this helps!