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What in a house can you compare to the nucleolus, rough er, and ribosome?

The organelles in a cell


Drinking a bottle of magnesium citrate is probably your best betYou can get it at any pharmacy,wal mart,grocery or even dollar storeIt is inexpensive, but not that tastyIt's tolerable if ice cold thoughIf you have chronic constipation problems you may want to make sure that you are drinking plenty of waterAlso make sure that you have plenty of fiber in your dietIf you are taking medication that causes this, try introducing MiraLax into your daily routineIt is now available over the counter as wellA little expensive thoughGood Luck!! If you are not a usual coffee drinker, you can drink a cup of coffee to stimulate youIt is often very effective
Best Constipation Cures
It may be a bit anachronistic, but thinking of the ER makes me think of a dumb waiter, which was a little elevator for sending food and such to higher floorsNucleolus would probably be some part of the kitchen, if I am remembering rightI think ribosomes would be a piece of kitchen equipment, such as an oven, since it makes something that the people in the house need to work.
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You have to increase fibre intakeThis means the introduction of more plant foodsPureeing watery fruits like pears, peaches and prunes will be very helpfulDon't however let a baby have fruit juice concentrateOr if this can't be done, there are formulas which include more fibre than othersThe diet for a baby's diarrhoea is Bananas, Rice and ApplesauceSo lessening these foods should help the constipation.

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