I have been looking over the internet and have yet to find the details I need. Such as the function and development of Pigments.
A pigment is a material that changes the color of light it reflects as the result of selective color absorption. This physical process differs from fluorescence, phosphorescence, and other forms of luminescence, in which the material itself emits light. Many materials selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light. Materials that humans have chosen and developed for use as pigments usually have special properties that make them ideal for coloring other materials. A pigment must have a high tinting strength relative to the materials it colors. It must be stable in solid form at ambient temperatures. You can thank me later.
The most important characteristics of pigments are: 1. They impart a colour to the medium to which they are applied. Remember that you can get white pigments, titanium dioxide, and black pigments, carbon black is typical. The pigments impart a colour merely by their presence , they are mostly chemically inert.They need some binder to fix them to the substrate. 3.They are insoluble in the carrier in which they are processed. 4. Pigments can be inorganic or organic, but the majority have a metal in their structure. 5. Pigments can occur naturally, but synthetically produced pigments to precise standards are by far the most used in industry. 4. In contrast to this, colourants that dissolve in the medium in which they are processed are called dyes or dyestuffs. 5.Dyes are by and large purely organic in structure, and do not contain metals in their chemical formulation. 6. Dyes undergo a chemical reaction with the substrate which they colour. 7. There is also a third type of product called an extender or filler. In the surface coating industry clays, calcium carbonate, etc fill this role. They do not add any colour to the paint, they become transparent in the paint binder medium, because of their low refractive index. They add body to the paint.
any of a group of compounds that are intensely coloured and are used to colour other materials.Pigments are insoluble and are applied not as solutions but as finely ground solid particles mixed with a liquid. In general, the same pigments are employed in oil- and water-based paints, printing inks, and plastics. Pigments may be organic (i.e., contain carbon) or inorganic. …
A pigment is essentially a substance that subtracts light to produce a variety of colors. In organisms, pigments are the colored matter (the substance in your cells that give your skin, tongue, hair, etc. their colors). In nonliving things such as painting, a pigment is the dry powder that is mixed with a fluid, creating a colored liquid which is then used to paint. As to how pigments work -- the pigment absorbs all light except the color you see. That color of light is reflected to your eyes. All kinds of substances can be pigments. I hope that was clear and answered your question!