Besides replacing all the aluminum wiring.
Aluminum wire, in and of itself, is not the hazard. You can buy receptacles that are rated for AL/CU Aluminum and copper. If the wire is intact, replace the receptacle with an AL/CU rated receptacle, and be extra careful how much torque you put on the screws that hold the wire down. AN AL/CU rated receptacle costs around $3.50 compares to the cheap $0.59 copper only rated junkers at Home Depot? You do NOT have to replace all the aluminum wiring. In other cases, you can couple AL to CU wire with approved Wire Nuts that are rated for AL/CU. BE EXTRA CAREFUL ABOUT BEND RADIUS AND TORQUE SPECS!
Sorry, but replacing it with copper wiring is the correct solution.
use the correct UL approved fitting/fixtures and the Aluminum based compound in every connection.
Using outlets that are made for aluminum. Not the coppery colored screws. Aluminum is okay for electrical wires, it is just at the connections where you have a chemical reaction.
First find out the Electrical Codes for your city or area. Some don't allow aluminum and you have to have it up to code. Give a call to your city building permit departing and just ask how to find out about the electrical codes for the city first and see if you can recover them, replace them or have an electrician do the work. Tell them you have a friend who is calling about buying a house that has aluminum wire outlets and don't give any information. Building codes may be listed on a town or county's web site or read up on it. Once you know what's allowed, you can decide what to do about it. remember, always be very careful with electricity.