What is differance between bags of cement and concrete mix ? Need to fill 4 inch deep hole in basement floor.?
you can mix cement and sand but it is more economical to add gravel to a cement mix...that is the only difference...
cement is pure concrete with no additives. Cement mix is what you want, it has sand, gravel and aggregate already mixed with concrete.
You don't want to mix cement for a small job. Just buy a bag of Quick Crete and all you need to do is add water. It comes in 30lb or 80lb bags. I think the 80lb bag costs less than $20.00 at any lumber yard or home center. Mixing concrete is a labor intensive dirty job.
Cement is usually just the cement without aggregate. Concrete mix contains the aggregate (bits of rock or gravel mixed in with the cement powder).
Portland cement is one ingredient of concrete. In addition to cement, concrete also contains sand, gravel, water and might have additives to modify the cure time and sometimes has dyes. Cement is also an ingredient in mortar. You want concrete to repair your floor.