What is HGM Micro Powder Grinding Mill used for?
HGM Micro powder grinding machine is for super-fine grinding materials with hardness less than 6 in Moh’s scale and humidity less than 6 percent such as kaolin, limestone, calcite, marble,talcum, barite, gypsum, dolomite, bentonite mud,mica, pyrophyllite, sepiolite, diatomite, graphite, alunite, fluorite, potassium feldspar, phosphorite, pigment and so on. The granularity of the end products is 325-2500 meshes (0.044-0.0055mm).
FREE HP, for every 10^ F drop in ambiaent temp to intake temp you get 1% more HP. KN filters never need replacing and flow better. Will pay for itself in 2 years.